
Parrot fish is a transexual.

Parrot fish can and will undergo sex changes when necessary, much like their amazing ability for changing colors. There is a multitude of options in their world. They are born both male and female, but males can become females and vice versa when population densities are low and breeding males or females are in short supply. Some species live in a harem structure, with one male to a few females. If something happens to the male, oftentimes the dominant female will become a male and breed with the rest of the females. If another male moves in, that fish may again become female.

With at least one species — the redband parrot fish — all males are derived from born females through sex reversal. When a female of a spawning group becomes a male, it will wander until it finds an unprotected group of females to create its own harem.

Source: Florida Marine

Wealth Dynamic Theory

This guide is about creating wealth. Having a clear definition of wealth is not just useful but necessary if that is our focus. Wealth is not how much money you have. Wealth is what you’re left with when you lose all your money.” Growing wealth enables you to continuously attract money and opportunities in the same way that growing a garden enables you to continuously attract the birds and butterflies.

Wealth creation is not about making money. It’s about creating flow.
The Wealth Equation explains the plumbing:

Water will always flow from high ground to low ground and always in that direction. The height differential will determine the speed of water flow at any one time. If you double the height of the river, you double the speed of water flow. Double the value, and you double the money flow.

Value on its own does not make the river. A river also needs width. Whereas value gives the river a gradient, leverage gives the river width. Whereas value determines the speed of money flow, leverage determines the volume of flow at that speed.

All value is created from the way we think. Some of us are born with what we call high-frequency thinking, which is often called intuitive thinking. Intuitive thinkers love coming up with new ideas and putting them into action. Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Walt Disney have all mentioned their natural creativity when they were younger. We all have some element of intuitive thinking, but some of us have it more than others. They can see the big picture, but often miss the detail. They are not as focused at what is there, but at what could be. Innovation means creating something new of value.

Low-frequency is sensory thinking whom create value by having their ear to the ground. Sensory thinkers do not need to create anything new because they have an innate sense of timing. Some of us have a more natural tendency towards sensory thinking than intuitive thinking. Why create anything if you know when to sell high and buy low? Warren Buffet, George Soros and Rupert Murdoch are all individuals who are known for seeking out paterns and opportunities that others miss. Sensory thinkers are alert to their surroundings and pick up signals that intuitive thinkers miss.

Whereas intuitive thinkers always feel the need to push forward, sensory thinkers know that sometimes the best thing to do is to do nothing. Timing means creating value by acting at the right time. Some people believe that creativity and timing can be taught. There is no doubt that you can work at improving both, but if it is not your natural frequency to begin with, in the heat of the moment you will fall back on your old habits.

Introverts leverage by multiplying. The way to multiply is to ask the question “How can this happen without me?” Multiplying is about making things as simple as possible and then making many. Wealth Creators such as Henry Ford, Warren Buffett, John D Rockefeller and Ray Kroc have leveraged through multiplying, whether through their systems, investments or franchises.

Extrovert are more likely to be found out socializing than studying a spreadsheetExtroverts are not process-oriented. They are people-oriented. The way to magnify is to ask the question “How can this only happen with me?” Magnifying is about making things as complex or unique as possible so that you become indispensable. Wealth Creators such as Martha Stewart, Oprah Winfrey, Jack Welch and Donald Trump leverage by magnifying, whether through their unique brand, leadership or deal making niche.

Every great river is surrounded by tributaries. When a new source of value or a new form of leverage is found, it soon becomes clear that the wealthy do not become wealthy by making others poor. They become wealthy by making others wealthy. This is possible because one person’s value becomes another person’s leverage. Bill Gates sells more software by leveraging on Michael Dell’s PC’s and Michael Dell sells more PC’s by leveraging on Bill Gates’ software. For each of us, our greatest value is someone else’s greatest leverage.

If any of these wealth creators had not followed their path of least resistance to wealth, we would not have heard of them today. Each of us has a path of least resistance that is based on our natural habits and talents – the ones we were born with. If we are not on our path, life can be a struggle. When we follow our path – and begin to play the game that we most naturally play, we begin to excel. The longer we play, the more distinctions we see, the better we get and the more we attract. We also find we are doing what we love. These are the eight wealth profiles.

“Creating a better product”

Creators can’t resist creating. They have their greatest creative breakthroughs after most others would have given up. The world is also full of frustrated creators who have started a business and are now stuck running it. They did a great job creating it, but now do a mediocre job trying to manage others.

Many creators fail because of their over-optimism of what their business and their team can achieve. This optimism has led many to take on far too much, leaving them little time to do what they do best. Successful creators have delegated everything except the creative process itself – and they focus on creating new products, or new companies, while others take care of the day-to-day business.

The successful creators we will look at, who share a common strategy to achieve their successes, include Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, JK Rowlings and Thailand’s richest man, Thaksin Shinawatra.

“Creating a better system”

Mechanics are tinkerers. While Creators are great at starting things, Mechanics are great at finishing things. They are perfectionists, which is why they cannot resist finding ways to do things better. Mechanics get hands-on with their systems and prefer to study how to improve things with their hands dirty. As a result, they have little interest in impressing with, or indulging in their appearance. Many mechanics have companies with better systems than their competitors, but they have not leveraged this system with stronger products produced by others, or their business is limited by their autocratic management style and high staff turnover.

Successful mechanics remain hands-on in fine-tuning their systems, long after they have become hands-off with many other areas of their business. This is where they see the greatest results, and where they gain the most satisfaction. The successful mechanics include Henry Ford, Ray Kroc, Sam Walton, Michael Dell, Jeff Bezos and the founder of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew.

“Creating a unique identity”

Stars, naturally, are the easiest of the profiles to spot. After all, the value is in the person. Obvious stars can be found in the sports, music, film and entertainment industries. However, the highest profile CEOs, salespeople and trainers also achieved their wealth by following their natural path as a star.

Those stars who have ignored their path have often done so because of the bad experiences they have had being in the limelight, and the responsibility that goes with it. Others have been trained not to draw attention to their natural talents, much as they secretly enjoy it. And others simply lack confidence and knowledge, so tread a careful path incognito, blissfully unaware of the simple steps they could be taking to claim their wealth.

“Adding Value to a Wealth Creator in Time & Resources”

The Supporter is outgoing, loyal, reliable and a fantastic networker. Their value is in the heat of the moment – the relationships they create and the wealth of energy, enthusiasm and time they can offer. By linking this resource to a wealth creator, supporters can create much greater wealth than they could on their own.

Successful supporters can be found around every very successful wealth creator, whether that profile is a creator, star, mechanic or deal maker. However, many supporters have found success without aligning solely with one wealth creator. As a result, there are many CEOs of well known, listed companies who are supporters. You can also find supporters successfully running businesses in support industries such as PR, recruitment and marketing. High profile supporters include Steve Ballmer and Michael Eisner.

Most failed supporters mistake their profile as an employee doomed to a life of salaried income, often having tried to start a business or investment with limited success. For nearly all supporters who are not on their path to success, what is missing is the understanding of how their role as a supporter can unlock great wealth.

“Connecting the right people at the right time”

Successful Deal Makers tend to catch the imagination of the business world, with their sweeping gestures that make millions in a moment. Of all the profiles, the deal maker relies most on the relationships around them, as their wealth is created by the connections they make. With a sensory dynamic, deal makers are reactive, acting on the right opportunities as they happen.

Deal Makers can also be found wherever there exist assets with significant value differentials, such as in property, corporate mergers & acquisitions, and in the entertainment business brokering multi-million dollar brands. The highest profile deal makers include Robert Kravis, Li Ka Shing, Donald Trump, David Geffen and more notoriously, Don King.

Most failed deal makers are really deal-makers-in-waiting. They have never seen this as a credible way to create wealth and have never pursued this path. Or they have just never been aware that this was their main talent and would never do so unless they stumbled into it by chance. However, of all the profiles, when a deal maker finds his path, his wealth is one of the first to arrive!

“Buying low and selling high at the right time”

A real trader is someone who naturally looks for bargains for the fun of it. They love haggling or seeking out the lowest price with the satisfaction that they found it first, and then they are equally good at seeking out the buyer who will pay a higher price. As with the Creator, the trader can be both introverted and extroverted.

Extrovert traders will do this where they can influence the price through hard bargaining and can be found in import/export businesses, and the retail industry. Introvert traders are happy to trade through analysis rather than face-to-face bidding, and include all successful market traders.

Many failed traders have never traded. As reliable and hard-working employees, they may see either the buy side or the sell side of a transaction within the company they work for, but often never the two together. Only when they are in control of both sides will a trader become aware of the natural talent that they have.

“Buying & Building Appreciating Assets”

The accumulator is the safest of the profiles, relying on a system of incremental growth to achieve wealth. The book “The Millionaire Next Door” is based on the accumulator profile, as it is one of the most fool-proof to follow. Many wealth seekers adopt the accumulator strategy but either lose patience or get itchy feet and move on. The real, successful accumulator is patient enough to stick with it, and disciplined enough to keep to their system.

Accumulators are patient, systematic, considered and prefer to play safe. However, others sometimes mistake this for indecision and procrastination. While others may be ostentatious with their wealth, accumulators rarely are, which is why they often go unnoticed.

“Controlling Cash Generating Assets”

The lord is the epitome of Stealth Wealth. Rarely seen but rolling in cash, the lords of the World control everything! They control the land, they control all the natural resources, they control all the man-made structures. They may not own them, but they don’t have to. They are too busy counting their money! Lords can be found wherever there is a fixed asset that is generating cash, whether it is a rented property or a leased vehicle, whether it is a gold mine or an oil field.

If you are a Lord, yet have not yet become a successful one, make it your priority to find a mentor who has made it. You will be amazed at how simple the process can be and how fast wealth was created. Lords look at the entrepreneurs and stars of the world and in most cases believe they could never do what they do, and would never want to either.

Maslow: Self Actualizers

A list of qualities that seemed characteristic of these people, as opposed to the great mass of us according to Maslow.

which means they could differentiate what is fake and dishonest from what is real and genuine.

meaning they treated life’s difficulties as problems demanding solutions, not as personal troubles to be railed at or surrendered to

Different perception of means and ends
They felt that the ends don’t necessarily justify the means, that the means could be ends themselves, and that the means — the journey — was often more important than the ends

Were comfortable being alone

They enjoyed deeper personal relations with a few close friends and family members, rather than more shallow relationships with many people

They enjoyed autonomy, a relative independence from physical and social needs.

Resisted enculturation, that is, they were not susceptible to social pressure to be “well adjusted” or to “fit in” — they were, in fact, nonconformists in the best sense.

Unhostile sense of humor
preferring to joke at their own expense, or at the human condition, and never directing their humor at others

Acceptance of self and others
By which he meant that these people would be more likely to take you as you are than try to change you into what they thought you should be. This same acceptance applied to their attitudes towards themselves: If some quality of theirs wasn’t harmful, they let it be, even enjoying it as a personal quirk. On the other hand, they were often strongly motivated to change negative qualities in themselves that could be changed.

Spontaneity and simplicity
They preferred being themselves rather than being pretentious or artificial. In fact, for all their nonconformity, Maslow found that they tended to be conventional on the surface, just where less self-actualizing nonconformists tend to be the most dramatic.

Humility and respect towards others
Meaning that they were open to ethnic and individual variety, even treasuring it.

Strong ethics which was spiritual but seldom conventionally religious in nature.

Freshness of appreciation
An ability to see things, even ordinary things, with wonder.

Ability to be creative, inventive, and original.

Tended to have more Peak Experiences than the average person. A peak experience is one that takes you out of yourself, that makes you feel very tiny, or very large, to some extent one with life or nature or God. It gives you a feeling of being a part of the infinite and the eternal. These experiences tend to leave their mark on a person, change them for the better, and many people actively seek them out. They are also called mystical experiences, and are an important part of many religious and philosophical traditions.

Self-Actualizer is People who clearly met the standard of self-actualization. Included in this group were Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jane Adams, William James, Albert Schweitzer, Benedict Spinoza, and Alduous Huxley, plus 12 unnamed people who were alive at the time Maslow did his research. He then looked at their biographies, writings, the acts and words of those he knew personally, and so on.

From: Theory of Personality, Abrahams Maslow by Dr. C. George Boeree

Wali Songo and Their Origin

Did you know Wali Songo is Chinese?

Here is the explanation:

During the last decades of the 15th century the kingdom of Demak which lasted from 1475 to 1568 was founded. Its founder was the son of Haji Chen Xuanlong/Tan Swan Liong from Palembang in Southern Sumatra where at that time existed a large Chinese community consisting mainly of Muslims. His son’s name is Chen Jinwen alias Raden Patah/Panembahan Tan Jin Bun/Arya (Cu-Cu) Sumangsang/Prabu Anom.

The Portuguese addressed him as Pate Rodin Sr. According to Tome Pires, a Portuguese explorer, he was a “persona de grande syso” (a great man of exceptional wisdom), a “cavaleiro” (noble knight). Indonesian professor Slamet Mulyana explained that Jinwen or Jin Bun means “strongman”.

The ruling elite of the kingdom of Demak consisted mainly of Chinese. Before the European colonial area, intermarriage between Chinese and the Javanese natives were commonplace. Dr. Pigeaud and Dr. de Graaf described the conditions in the 16th century as follows: in the port cities of the island of Java the ruling elites consisted mainly of Chinese families, some of whose male members took Javanese women as their wives.

Various Javanese historical sources say that in the 16th century there were many Chinese living in the cities along the Northern coastline of Java. Apart from Demak, they were also numerous in Cirebon, Lasem. Tuban, Gresik (Shi Chun) and Surabaya (Shi Shui). Many of these Chinese Muslims had Arabic names.

One of Raden Patah Chen Jinwen’s grandsons is known to have had the ambition of being on par with the Turkish Sultan of the Ottoman empire. According to de Graaf and Pigeaud, Chen Muming/Tan Muk Ming (Sunan Prawata), the last Sultan of Demak said to Manuel Pinto that he was striving as hard as possible to become “o segundo Turco” (the second Turkish Sultan) equal to the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I in grandeur. It is evident that other than going on a haj pilgrimage, he visited Turkey.

A number of Javanese sources emphasise that the sultans of the Demak sultanate were Chinese. It is not possible to include all the names of Chinese historical figures for the number of which is too many. Amongst others there were :

  • Raden Hussein (Pang Jinshan/Bong Kin San, a cousin of Chen Jinwen),
  • Sunan Bonang (An Wen’an/An Bun Ang),
  • Sunan Drajat (Pang Dajing/Bong Tak Keng) son of Sunan Ampel alias Rahmat Pang Suihe/Bong Swie Ho),
  • sunan Kalijaga (Gan Xichang/Gan Si Chang),
  • Sunan Kudus (Jaffar Zha Dexu/Ja Tik Su),
  • Haji Maulana Ifdil Hanafi Chen Yinghua/Tan Eng Hoat,
  • Endrasena the last commander-in-chief of Sunan Giri’s armies,
  • Pangrean Hadiri alias Sunan Mantingan who was the husband of Ratu Kalinyamat, Ki Rakim,
  • Nyi Gede Pinatih (Shi Tainiang/Sie Tay Nio) mother of Raden Paku and daughter of Admiral Shi Jinqing/Sie Chin Ching who was the overlord of the Chinese community at Palembang.
  • Princess Chen Wangtian/Tan Ong Tien who was a daughter of Haji Chen Yinghua who is the wife of Sunan Gunung Jati (Syarif Hidaytullah Du Anbo/Toh A Bo) founder of the Cirebon sultanate,
  • Cekong Mas (from the Han family, his tomb is located in a prayer house at Prajekan near Situbondo in East Java and is regarded as a sacred place),
  • Adipati Astrawijaya-regent chosen by the Dutch East India Company but sided with rebels when the Chinese in Semarang Central Java rose in revolt against the Dutch in 1741 and
  • Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung (KRT-a noble title) Secodiningrat (Chen Jinxing/Tan JIn Seng).

According to professor Mulyana, Sunan Giri from his paternal side is a grandson of Rahmat Wang Suihe, a Chinese Muslim from Yunnan province, China, who, served as governor of Champa in present day Vietnam, prior to his arrival in Java where he became the chief coordinator of the Chinese community in Southeast Asia.

Chinese architectural influences are evident in the design of the mosques in Java. It was Islam of the Hanafiyah school of thought that first entered Southern Sumatra and Java from China during the Yuan and the Ming dynasty periods.

Professor Mulyana opines if Islam on the Northern coastline of Java came from Malacca or Eastern Sumatra, it will have been of the Syafi or Shiite school of thought but it is not the case in reality. He stresses that until the 13th century the Hanafi school existed only in Central Asia, China, Northern India, parts of the Middle East/Maghreb (Islamic North Africa) and Turkey.

Massive waves of emigration from China to Southern Sumatra, Java and other parts of Southeast Asia began in 1385, 17 years after the inception of the Ming dynasty. Long before that Champa was occupied by Nasaruddin, a Muslim general in Kublai Khan’s armies. General Nasaruddin is supposed to have propagated Islam in Cochin CHina. A number of Chinese Muslim centres were established in Champa, Palembang and East Java.

In the year 1413 when Admiral Muhammad Ma Huan arrived in Java together with Admiral Zheng He along with the Chinese armada, he noted that most of the Chinese residents there were Muslims as well as the Dashi (Arab) people. At that time there were no Javanese Muslims yet. Between 1513-1514, Tome Pires described Gresik in East Java as a properous city controlled by the Chinese. In 1451, Ngampel Denta was set up by Rahmat Wang Suihe alias Sunan Ampel to disseminate Islam among the natives. Prior to that he managed a Chinese Muslim centre at Bangil, also in East Java.

It is interesting to note that at least until the time of Japanese occupation (1942-1945), in the city of Malang in East Java, the local natives still addressed the newly arrived Chinese as ‘Kyai’. Kyai means Islamic religious teacher. Whereas most Chinese who came recently to Southeast Asia were not Muslims. This habit was inherited from the past when most of the Chinese settlers/sojourners in Java were Muslims.

The title Sunan is derived from the Fujian dialect ‘Suhu/Saihu’. 8 of the Walisongo (9 Holy Saints) carried the title Sunan, one of them carried the title Syekh from the Arabic Sheikh; all 9 of them are Chinese who belong to the Hanafite school of Islam.

A natural conclusion to this is that the Islamic missionaries of the Hanafiyah school of thought at that time were mainly Chinese. This can more or less be compared to the spread of Christianity from Europe to the other continents. Until the 19th century, these Christian missionaries who spread their religion overseas were mostly Europeans. China’s land mass is more vast than that of Europe.

Making a comparison with China cannot be done with one of the European nations but has to be done with Europe as a whole. Like Europe, China is home to much ethnic and linguistic diversity, however the advantage of the Chinese in this matter is that the Chinese ideograms can be commonly understood by different groups of Chinese in spite of their dissimilarities in spoken tongue.


  • De Graaf and Pigeaud “De eerste Moslimse Vorstendommen op Java”, “Islam in Java 1500-1700”.
  • Amen Budiman “Chinese Muslims in Indonesia”.
  • Slamet Mulyana “A story of Majapahit”.
  • Slamet Mulyana “The Fall of the Javanese Hindu Kingdoms and the Rise of Islam in Nusantara”.
  • Jan Edel “Biography of Hasanuddin”.
    Tags: amazing facts

Polda Banten Hentikan Penyidikan Penyerobotan Tanah Modernland Cilejit

Pihak berwajib akhirnya menghentikan penyidikan laporan penyerobotan lahan di Modernland Cilejit yang diduga dilakukan PT Griya Sukamanah Permai sebagai pengembang proyek township tersebut.

Seperti diketahui pada 11 Desember 2020 lalu, Direktur Utama PT Griya Sukamanah Permai, dilaporkan ke Kepolisian Daerah Banten oleh Hendro Kimanto Liang atas sangkaan, antara lain Penyerobotan Tanah dan atau Menggunakan Surat Palsu berdasarkan Laporan Polisi No. LP/377/XII/RES.1.9/2020/SPKT III/Banten, atas lahan yang sedang dikembangkan kawasan hunian beserta fasilitas pendukungnya yakni Modernland Cilejit, yang terletak di Desa Sukamanah, Kecamatan Jambe, Kabupaten Tangerang, Provinsi Banten.

Kuasa hukum PT Griya Sukamanah Permai, Mohamad Sofyan, SH., MH., mengatakan, Laporan Polisi yang dilakukan oleh Hendro Kimanto Liang tersebut, dibarengi dengan somasi terbuka kepada berbagai instansi, ditambah dengan pemberitaan yang massif di berbagai media, termasuk media online, yang sangat menyudutkan posisi PT Griya Sukamanah Permai di hadapan masyarakat umum, konsumen, maupun pihak terkait lainnya.

Setelah melalui serangkaian proses penyelidikan, penyidikan dan gelar perkara dengan memperhatikan seluruh fakta, alat bukti dan keterangan ahli, pihak penyidik pada Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Umum Polda Banten pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2021 menerbitkan Surat Ketetapan Penghentian Penyidikan No.: S.Tap/52.b/VIII/Res.1.9/2021/Ditreskrimum yang menyatakan bahwa penyidikan atas Laporan Polisi No. LP/377/XII/Res.1.9/2020/SPKT III/Banten tanggal 11 Desember 2020 dihentikan karena peristiwa tersebut Tidak Cukup Bukti.

Lebih lanjut Mohamad Sofyan mengatakan, press release ini sekaligus menjadi sanggahan atas somasi yang telah dilayangkan oleh kuasa hukum Hendro Kimanto Liang ke berbagai instansi, serta merupakan sanggahan dan bantahan terhadap pemberitaan masif pada beberapa media terkait pemberitaan atas Laporan Polisi terhadap PT Griya Sukamanah Permai pada lahan perumahan Modernland Cilejit.

Extra Large Condoms

Did You Know?

Have you ever buy condoms? We probably would find all size condoms in Indonesia but during Aids campaign in South Africa where some of 6 million are HIV positive, Durex must make a special extra large condom to be launched in South Africa to cater “well-endowed” men.

A large number of South African men are bigger and complain about condoms being uncomfortable and too small. Now They will buy them to boost their ego and more improtantly, it will remove the excuse made by south african men for not using condoms – that they are too small.

Sources: BBC News (picture from Associated Press)

Kecak Origin

Did You Know ?

Most of us know kecak dance as a traditional balinesse dance that have been perform from generation to generation.

But the fact is a German painter Walter Spies colaborate with Wayan Limbak in the 1930’s create kecak from movements and themes in traditional sanghyang exorcism ritual and portions of the Ramayana.

Wayan Limbak popularized the dance by traveling throughout the world with Balinese performance groups. These travels have helped to make the Kecak famous throughout the world. Wayan Limbak died in 2005 at the age of 104 years old.

400 Years Without Water

What do you think of desert?

Hot? For most of the deserts the answer were correct but not at Atacama Desert.

Its known as the driest place on earth with an average of less than 0.01 cm of rain per year. Many times this area will go without any rainfall for years. Some places in the Atacama desert have not had rainfall for over 400 years.

Atacama Desert is nestled along the coast of chile, much of the desert extends up into the Andes mountains and is very high in elevation, right next to the Pacific Ocean (the biggest body of water in the world). Unlike more familir deserts, like Sahara, the Atacama is actually pretty cold place, with average daily temperatures ranging between 0°C and 25°C.

The reason that the Atacama doesn’t get enough rainfall is because of a phenomenon called rainshadow. The warm, moist tropical air that blows on the tradewinds from the east, which douse the South American rainforest, get hung-up on the east side of the Andes. The mountains are so high in altitude that the air cools, condenses and rains on the mountains. As the air descends the other side of the mountain range it warms, holding in its moisture preventing rain from falling on to the ground below.

Andes mountains that cause the Amazon to be the largest river from collecting all the rainfall are also responsible for preventing the Atacama from ever receiving any rainfall. The driest and one of the wettest places in the world are right next to each other!

Sources: Extreme Science

Soekarno’s Untold Story

Indonesian Former President Soekarno had a worldwide reputation as a womanizer, so it was only natural that the KGB should try to blackmail him with a sex trap when he visited moscow. He was introduced to a stream of expertly-trained beautiful swallows, and film making love to all of them in his hotel suite. But when the evidence was shown to him prior to blackmail bid, Soekarno amazed the Soviet agents by asking for copies of the films to take home for public showing, adding: “My people will be really proud of me”. The recruiting attemps went no further.

Source: The World’s Greatest Spies & Spymaster by Roger Boar and Nigel Blundell

Cockroach The Invicible

Cockroach is capable of living for a month without food and remaining alive headless for a week. It can also hold its breath for 45 minutes. Cockroaches have a much higher radiation resistance with the lethal dose about 6 to 15 times that for humans.

The wild cockroaches in the northern USA also capable of hibernation. They go into a suspended state of development in late fall and if you keep them in a warm environment during the winter they will not develop any further and remain in a suspended state for more than a year.

Source: Biology Departments, University of Massachusetts